Falling Stars Read online

Page 12

  Occasionally a stranger would strike up a conversation, almost all of them asking where I was headed. My shrugs drew looks of concern or laughter. I did not appear to most as the lone trekker type. Eventually I decided after hearing so many wonderful stories about Moab and Arches National Park that it would be my next destination. It was out of the way enough to allow me to write uninterrupted and not too far. After spending another two days and hitting nearly thirty thousand words in my manuscript, I packed up the SUV and headed further west.

  Once it was decided where I was off to next, I inquired as to where to stay. The Red Cliffs Lodge was highly recommended and after a little investigation, every other place paled in comparison. A rustic timber building set at the base of a massive red cliff as its name implied, was surrounded by gorgeous vistas along the Colorado River. A private stable was on the grounds for trail rides, a winery, museum and more, left nothing to desire. Although I wasn’t really interested in doing those things, it was nice to know the amenities were available in the event I changed my mind. Choosing a private cabin with a patio that faced the river, the inside had a simple kitchenette and living space, with a large whirlpool tub in the bedroom.

  Living off of fruit, trail mix and jerky had worn on my stomach. Allowing myself to indulge at the restaurant, I forced myself into town to stock up on supplies for the remainder of the week. At night the sky was so electrifying it was a bit overwhelming how close the stars appeared. The coyote’s song and river rapids crashing along the rocks were the only noises I listened to while working on the patio at night. On the second day, several mountain bikers arrived to stay at the property. A group of six or so, they split up on either side of me. The men would wave as they traveled back and forth to each other’s cabins.

  I had not paid much attention to what they looked like, so completely engrossed in writing which had been interrupted briefly by their presence. A set of headphones buffered the ruckus and allowed me to fall back into my groove. The next morning one of the men had taken a particular interest in me. Pulling out a wooden chair on the patio with a steaming cup of coffee in hand and sitting uninvited, I was forced to study his features. Butterflies tumbled in my stomach the moment I looked away from the screen. His skin was a deep golden color from hours under the summer sun. Long sandy blond waves with summer bleached highlights were pulled into a messy pony tail, perched upon his head was a pair of polar-lens sunglasses.

  The man looked like an Australian surfer god. Strong calf and thigh muscles flexed with each movement of his bronzed legs. Wearing casual strap sandals, plaid shorts and a black hooded jacket, I had to stop myself from appearing shocked.

  He grinned and perfectly straight white teeth blinded me with his smile. Reaching out his hand to greet me, he waited until I removed the headphones and slipped my fingers against his palm. Magnetic shivers coursed through my veins with the simple gesture. Holy Fuck. Shaking my head I realized my hand had lingered a bit too long and laughed as I pulled away.

  He introduced himself. “Hey, I’m Grant.”

  “Lila,” I replied.

  “Lila…” My name rolled seductively across his tongue as he felt the words dance around. “I like that.”

  Twitching my nose, I grinned. “Well that’s good, because I don’t plan on changing it any time soon.”

  He made me nervous the way he scrutinized me in silence. Cocking his head to the side, his eyes darted around momentarily before coming back to meet mine.

  “I noticed you are alone,” he asked.

  Taking a sip of my own coffee, I peered over the lid.

  “Don’t most serial killers refrain from making their intentions known, preferring the charming route?”

  Grant laughed heartily and leaned in closer to speak. Resting his elbow on his knees, he rubbed his thumbs along the surface of his mug.

  “It’s just rare. I’ve been coming out here for years, I am curious that’s all. I’m harmless I swear.”

  “I bet you could do some damage.” I muttered.

  Unsure if he heard me correctly, I simply winked and closed the lid to my laptop.

  “I’m starving. I am going to scrounge up a granola bar or something. I’ll be right back.”

  Grant stood when I did and reached out to lightly touch the side of my arm.

  “Hey wait, come eat with us. The guys are already down at the lodge, I told them I was going to invite you.”

  “You were confident I would accept?”

  “I hoped you would.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I have been checking you out and you’re pretty hot, so, it never hurts to ask right?”

  I blushed at his admission. I couldn’t remember the last time I had someone pursue me, much less someone so attractive. Hunter was the exception, and he didn’t exactly pursue me.

  “Well thank you for asking, I appreciate the company.”

  Grant had a familiar presence, which was both comforting and unnerving. Walking down to the restaurant in the lodge, the basic questions one asks were not so simple. Starting with, “where are you from?” and “what are you doing in these parts?” turned into a two hour round table discussion about each person and how they came together for these summer trips. The way he joked with the guys reminded me of Eli and how much I missed him. They were all friends in college and went different directions afterwards, which is the norm. I kept my end vague and redirected questions back to the group.

  Finding that their lives were missing the camaraderie, they pledged to spend two weeks a summer together in Moab. A few were married, and to the chagrin of their wives, it remained stag only. Grant was not married, and he surprised me the most.

  “You are not a kindergarten teacher!” I screeched loudly at the revelation.

  The guys howled with laughter, causing him to shyly smirk.

  “Why can’t I be a kindergarten teacher?”

  “It’s not right. I can only imagine the entire class of mom’s fighting to have their child in yours. And parent teacher meetings, I am sure a sexual harassment video has to be shown beforehand. Seriously.”

  More laughter erupted and one of the guys who I now knew was named Mark hit Grant in the back.

  “You are a pussy magnet, damn, never lost it.”

  Grant’s expression grew horrified at his friend’s lewd comment. The rest of the table waited for my reaction and grew quiet. Looking poignantly at the friend I shrugged and picked up my coffee.

  “It’s okay, I write erotica, and I talk about pussy all the time. It’s kind of a prerequisite.”

  The tension grew thick as the men processed my response. They all had shit eating grins as they looked to each other.

  “Are you serious?”

  I nodded to a cell phone on the table.

  “Look up Lila Keaton. It’s true. But I am harmless, I swear.”

  Repeating Grant’s words back was not so innocent. The flirtation began with stolen glances and averted gazes.

  Immediately the phone was picked up and passed around for proof.

  “Holy shit, you are a best seller! It says here you have over twenty five books. Wait, what’s this?”

  Mark’s eyes grew large as he started to tap on a few buttons. The muffled sound of techno music started to pound from the phones speakers. Within seconds my voice filled the back area of the restaurant.

  It was my fault. I was an idiot for trying to prove a point, even though it was done in humor. Hearing the video made my resolve crumble. Unwilling to make a scene in front of the guys, I pulled a twenty dollar bill from my wallet and tossed it on the table.

  “Thanks for the invite Grant. It was nice meeting you guys.”

  They started to protest, yet I had already bolted for the door. Slamming my palms against the heavy wooden door, the sunshine poured over me as I ran back to my cabin. Behind me I could hear Grant catching up to my quick stride.

  “Lila stop, what’s wrong?”

  His fingers grabbed my arm l
ightly to spin me around. Tears had already streamed down and whipped across my cheeks.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your problem. I’m sorry. I just. I just don’t…”

  Without asking, he pulled me tight against his chest and soothingly rubbed my back. My senses heightened while pressed against the hard muscle. In between sobs, his spicy cologne permeated my senses with each deep intake of breath. It was earthy and unusual, distracting me from the melt down. Whispering quietly into my ear, his voice was cathartic, calming me into submission. I giggled through the tear soaked fabric of his t-shirt.

  “Okay, I get why you are a kindergarten teacher now.”

  “So what finally sold you on it?”

  Grant kept me curled close as we walked the remainder of the way, gently chastising me for pulling away. I was thankful he was reluctant to let me go so easily, despite us just meeting.

  “I don’t know. Something about you is just intriguing. You have a very calming energy about you. It’s not forced or faked. I haven’t quite figured it out yet.”

  Squeezing my shoulder slightly, he wagged his brows yet did not respond. At the entrance to my patio he released his grip and allowed me to walk in front of him. Standing at the doorway, he did not follow me as I thought he would. Confused I turned around and scrunched my eyes against the sunlight.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  Grant tapped the side of the doorway with his palm while biting in his bottom lip. “Nah. I gotta hit the trail. Maybe if you’re up for it you can join us for dinner tonight. We're having a bonfire after with a few beers.”

  Thinking about the way I embarrassed myself I rolled the bottom of my shirt nervously.

  “Maybe. I need to write and figure out where I am going after this.”

  He finally took a step into the cabin towards me. Cocking his head to the side , he surveyed me once again.

  “You don’t know where you are going?”

  I gave an apprehensive laugh.

  “In more ways than one… No, I haven’t a clue. At some point I need to be in Phoenix and Vegas, but for the next week, it’s just me, myself and I.”

  Feeling suddenly inadequate, I washed my hands and busied myself in the small kitchen to keep from crying again. His silence compounded the emotion as I milled about.

  Clearing his throat to catch my attention, I stopped wiping the counter and looked up. He was studying me intensely yet looked conflicted. It didn’t take him long to see I was an emotional tornado.

  “Lila, can I take you somewhere later?”

  Nodding in agreement, I was surprised by the invitation. His entire face lit up and he relaxed instantly.

  “Good, wear tennis shoes and clothes that have some give.”

  I tried to imagine what he had planned, but his earlier mentioning of coming here for years led me to believe it was somewhere in the park.

  “Okay.” I whispered.

  For the rest of the morning I realized my drive had been altered. The characters in my head were affected by the introduction of Grant in my life. They were no longer full of angst and desperation. Subsequently the memories I was drawing from changed as well. Those first sweet moments of my relationship with Hunter surfaced, the way I was instantly drawn to him. How with only a glance he could strip me bare and dive into the deepest caverns of my soul. It was a time when I possessed something I had lost long ago. Hope.

  Was it ridiculous to think an absolute stranger could evoke such passion? Yet hadn’t Hunter done just that? This couldn’t be happening. Not now. It was impossible. I was losing my mind. Overwhelmed by rage at the loss of self control, I laced up my sneakers and took a run along the river. The blue sky was limitless without a single wisp of cloud painted on the horizon. The river raged loudly next to the small horse trail carved along the edge of the banks. With each stride my lungs burned at the force I pushed my body along.

  After twenty minutes the fire in my legs overwhelmed the guilt fueling me. Stumbling to a slower pace, I grabbed my knees to catch my breath. In the distance I noticed a small sanded area hidden by the rocks. Walking slowly off the trail through the low brush, I maneuvered my way down the large stones to an alcove carved by the strong river. Removing my shoes, I soaked my feet in the cool calm water. The coolness was a relief from the scorching heat of the afternoon sun. Realizing how hidden the spot was, I took my chances and removed the sweat soaked clothing adhering to my body. Rinsing them off in the water, I laid them on the rocks to dry as I took a swim. Naked in the vast wilderness, floating peacefully in the water I found the respite I craved. Goosebumps covered my body from head to toe, yet the hot sun warmed me quickly each time I stepped out for a moment.

  My little piece of paradise kept me occupied for nearly two hours. Knowing that I needed to be writing, I forced myself away from the area, vowing to return later. Content, I dressed and moved towards the outcropping of rocks I needed to climb to get out. Perched within a cut out was Grant, taking a nap with his head leaned against the stone, hugging his helmet to his body. Hearing the gravel beneath my shoes, he turned his head and smiled.

  “I guess our date is off now,” he said with disappointment.

  “Excuse me?” I replied sarcastically. Feeling apprehensive by his presence, I backed away slowly, looking to see how I could get out of the alcove in a different way. Realizing I was frightened, he put his hands up in defeat.

  “Whoa, whoa. Lila. This is where the guys and I come after a ride. I made them leave. I saw you swimming and didn’t want you to be bothered.”

  He seemed genuine, yet the thought of someone watching me so intimately was disturbing.

  “Why did you stay then?” I asked quietly.

  Slipping off of the rocks, he stalked towards me like a lion.

  “I just told you. I saw you swimming.”

  Stunned, I could not move. A million synapses fired in my brain straight into my core. I should have been terrified, instead I was aroused.

  “Liked what you saw I take it?” Piquing my brow I did not need him to answer. He was an exquisite mountain Adonis that could have anything or anyone he wanted and he knew it. In that moment he wanted me. I swallowed hard and removed my shirt again, tossing it to the ground carelessly. He followed suit and unzipped the skin tight cycling jersey. I gasped at the sight of him shirtless. My hands trembled while unbuttoning my shorts and sliding them down and over my ankles. Standing completely nude again, I dared him to move. I didn’t want him to court me, I wanted him to fuck me and make me forget how much pain I was in. After removing his shorts, he approached me slowly, grasping my chin gently to look up at him, but not before I caught the sun glisten off of the barbell running through the head of his cock.

  Holy fuck he has an ampallang!

  Immediately my mind swirled in a million different directions, all revolving around the image now burned into my mind. Curling his head down, he whispered in my ear.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Obeying his command, I felt his lips brush mine. Salty with sweat from hours on his bike, his kiss was primal. I felt my body go flush between the heat and my reaction to his touch. Gliding his hands down my sides to my ass, he pulled me against his chest, his thick erection hot on my belly. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, he slid his hands down my thighs, lifting me around his taut waist and began to carry me towards the water without breaking the kiss. Feverishly I allowed him to explore my body, taking my breast into his mouth as we sank slowly in the cool water. Floating around him, he did not try to move any faster, content allowing his hands to roam and his mouth to taste my skin. Impatiently I reached down to take his cock in my hand. I wanted to run my fingers across the piercing and explore it more. His teeth bit down into my shoulder in protest.

  “Not yet Lila,” he growled.

  “Why not?” I whimpered.

  Grant laughed wickedly into my mouth.

  “Because it is the only bargaining chip I have. I give it to you now I am no good
to you. If you stick around, I know it’s more than a random encounter. If not, well, it was nice knowing you, even if only for a day.”

  Doubting his sincerity, I pulled back.

  “If it’s today or in a few days, how does that change anything?”

  Kissing me again gently he walked out of the water and set me down.

  “It’s amazing what can happen in a few days. I don’t know you, but there’s something about you. I don’t want to fuck it up. That’s all.”

  He was seriously going to do some damage. If it wasn’t his breathtaking physique that would kill me, it was the raw honesty of his character. Grant was the physical manifest of the men I wrote about. Guys like him didn’t exist, yet here he was shattering any delusions I held about what was real and what was fiction. The lines blurred and suddenly I no longer cared.

  We traveled back to the lodge in a comfortable silence. Grant pushed his bike along as I took in the scenery from a slower pace. Life suddenly felt perfect. I did not want to confess I felt as though I had lost my grip on reality out of fear and knowing all too soon it would be over. Stopping in front of my cabin again, he paused.

  “You kind of ruined the surprise, so can I take you somewhere else later?”

  I smiled brightly. Every moment I could spend with this man would feed my muse for years to come. I started to chide myself for not writing that morning, yet I was no longer on anyone's schedule but my own. As long as I hit the deadline, what happened in between was of no concern. Settling at the keyboard once more, my fingers moved furiously, tearing through the pages as the story unfolded. Grant had sparked something deep inside of me. It shouldn’t have been this easy to tell the story, it hadn’t been so far. Thank God it was. Reading back over a few sections, I knew it was good. It was by far the best work I had produced yet. Saving the final paragraph, I looked up and realized six hours had passed and not once did I urinate, or eat anything.